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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

I haven’t written for awhile and this time what I am going to write about has nothing to do with Full Cycle Soap. It is about something that touched my heart and encouraged me to spend some time counting my blessings, something I could do a lot more often.

A couple of weeks ago I received a small envelope in the mail. It was the size of one of those envelopes that invitations are mailed in. I immediately did a thought check for upcoming weddings or babies. Nothing. Then a sweet surprise. I pulled out a cute, little pink & black card. Inside were a gift card and the words “A Random Act of Kindness”. The gift card was to Michaels. Someone knew just what I would like and went to the trouble to go a ways to get it. I was touched. I was pleased. I was amazed because immediately a number of sweet, special people who might do this came to my mind. The more I thought the more I realized that my life is full of incredible, loving women who pour nourishment into my life. Some are quite young. Some are not quite so young. Some are not young at all. But, all are special and for some reason, they all seem to love me. I am blessed beyond words.

So why am I writing all this? Because if the day ever comes that you think a small act of kindness really can’t lift someone up or brighten their day  or maybe even change their life……..please, think again.